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38.59838°N, 121.51393°W

International Rescue Committee | Karma Farm 

Our friends at the International Rescue Committee and Farm From a Box have generously shared space so we can workshop architectural designs and concepts. Located two miles from downtown Sacramento, as part of their urban regenerative farm program, we are designing the future.

Aptly named Karma Farm, the space is a two-acre food oasis and is home to a dozen working farms managed by different individuals and groups. All are refugees. We forget – or more likely don’t even know – that “refugee status” is something that happens to a person, family, or community. It is an important criteria to keep in mind. Refugee status attaches when something catastrophic happens and entire populations are forced to leave. Refugees are divided and shipped into countries that have agreed to take a given number. They arrive at a new home that was chosen for them. Refugees have no choice but to accept and acclimate. It is important that we remember that they all have refugee status due to no fault of their own. We are proud to support these communities at any stage of their journey. We plan to maximize retired super yacht sails to construct entire refugee camps.


Status: Ongoing

Size:  2 acres

Donated Sails:
1 AP Genoa,
40’ yacht,
1 J-35 Mainsail

Fabric:  Carbon aramid with film on both sides.

Program: Designing structural solutions for multiple locations around the world. Karma Farm in Sacramento is the workshop and prototype location.

Client: International Rescue Committee

CO Architects
Farm from a Box
Sundt Builders



The next best thing you can do with your sails.